Bảo tàng

Viện bảo tàng Leonardo da Vinci

75 người địa phương đề xuất,
Vị trí
26 Piazza Leonardo da Vinci
Vinci, Toscana

Gợi ý từ người dân địa phương

February 24, 2018
The life and inventions of Leonardo da Vinci
Maria Teresa
October 9, 2019
The Leonardo museum of Vinci route starts in Palazzina Uzielli, with the exhibition sections devoted to building-site machinery, textile manufacturing machinery, mechanical clocks and the anatomy studies. The models on show are accompanied by apictorial history taken from paintings and manuscripts of the time, while animated digital reconstructions and interactive applications help the visitor to better understand how they work.
The Leonardo museum of Vinci route starts in Palazzina Uzielli, with the exhibition sections devoted to building-site machinery, textile manufacturing machinery, mechanical clocks and the anatomy studies. The models on show are accompanied by apictorial history taken from paintings and manuscripts o…
July 30, 2018
Very nice small museum in the hometown of Leonardo Da Vinci. make a small trekking also to see his original home. Pass between the grass if you can , it's beautiful.
April 17, 2018
Very beautiful museum in the very nicely preserved village of Vinci, hometown of the very famous Leonardo. Many models of his genius inventions are in show. Perfect for the whole family.
December 4, 2015
The beautiful museum of Leonardo da Vinci inventions.

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