Bảo tàng

Bảo tàng Nhiều sô cô la

68 người địa phương đề xuất,

Gợi ý từ người dân địa phương

July 12, 2018
A small museum set in a restored mansion of San Rafaél neighborhood. With the history of chocolate and small site of workshops, classes and coffee shop for a chocolate tasting.
May 14, 2015
Great chocolate store downstairs for those of you who have a sweet tooth
Luis Manuel
December 13, 2018
A museum of chocolate! If you want to learn more about varieties and how it's made is really cool.
October 13, 2020
The coffee shop at the Chocolate Museum is delicious. It also has a chocolate store with amazing creations.
March 31, 2018
Inside a beautiful 20th century house is Mexico City’s first ever chocolate museum, Mucho Mundo Chocolate, which outlines the historical and gastronomical importance of cacao through interactive exhibits. Displays include chocolate masterpieces and coffee pots, as well as the opportunity to glance into the kitchen to see the production process.

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Người dân địa phương cũng khuyến nghị

Vị trí
45 C. Milan
Ciudad de México, CDMX